2011 Holiday Show A Great Success!

Wow! What amazing, loyal customers we have. We had to quickly change locations only hours before the event and still had a huge attendance. We are very sorry for those who may have been affected by this. We hope you will understand and know we would not have done that to you unless completely necessary.
Once again, we had some of our popular vendors as well as some new. Here are some of the goods!
We had these bows available last year and they were such a success that we invited them back again. I personally liked the ones using vintage buttons.

Our classic Blonde Designs contributions in fresh, new holiday card varieties.

Her talented husband and daughters made their own product for the show, including these adorable jewelry racks as well as simple necklaces and bracelets also made by the girls (assisted by Dad who even creates the glass beads himself!).

All natural lip and body care products scented with pure essential oils. Smelled divine!

New Academe jewelry...

Modern Native American screenprinted dish towels.

Vintage enamel key jewelry. Very Anthro, yes?

A new addition to the show. MackinWirth trunk show sold over half their beautifully tailored pieces! What tasteful clientele we have.

Delicious gourmet fudge by Jewel of the Lion in so many flavors. Yes- it tasted as good as it looks. :)

Beautiful jewelry by Darlene Meier.

A huge selection from Mutz this season. Her work stands apart because of her unique colors and styles.

We could not have this succeed without our amazing customers. Thank you SO MUCH for supporting the local artists in Las Vegas and coming to the show year after year. We truly enjoy offering quality, unique items that inspire and are appreciated. It's an artists dream!
Big love to you all from the girls at Girl Next Door.
See you next year!